
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 06:14:26
英文名为"Erin Brockovitch",很好看哦,谢了!

The Nutshell: A feisty young woman, Erin Brockovich (Julia Roberts), arrives at the law offices of Ed Masry (Albert Finney) through the forces of Fate. A twice divorced mother of three with no employable skills, she badgers, cajoles and pleads with Masry to give her a job. He reluctantly hires her as a file clerk. After finding medical records in real estate files, she becomes a de facto investigator to uncover a large utility company's cover-up concerning the contamination of a small town's water supply. As the stakes get higher, the uneducated and untrained Erin must use her considerable wits and genuine empathy to the affected townsfolk to stay not only ahead, but in the game.

As is apparent from the description, ERIN BROCKOVICH is film treading on the ground of earlier films. NORMA RAE has given us the gutsy, blue collar woman fighting the big corporation and THE VERDICT has shown us out-of-their-league lawyers having to face very daunting legal challenges. Wi